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I am truly overcome at all the supportive comments, messages, and emails I’ve received since making the incredibly difficult decision to sunset The Lingerie Addict in its current form as primarily a lingerie blog. There’s always this sense of “talking into the void” when one is doing work online. You’re never really quite sure if people are seeing what you’re doing. Just knowing how so many of you saw The […]

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This is the hardest article I’ve ever had to write. So much so that I’ve put it off for as long as I can, even though I know, in my heart, it’s the right decision. The Lingerie Addict celebrates its 14th anniversary this month. At the end of April, I’m closing the site for good and saying goodbye to TLA. It feels so final to say this. I’ve known it […]

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28 days after we began our Kickstarter campaign, I am ecstatic to report that The Lingerie Addict Kickstarter not only surpassed its initial goal of $6,000 (which we reached in less than 24 hours!) we also achieved every single stretch goal of the campaign – and there were 4 of them! It is impossible to describe how blessed and honored I feel that nearly 500 of you believe in The […]

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If you already follow me on any of my other social channels, then you already know I’m just a scooch late getting my new Kickstarter campaign up on the blog. That wasn’t deliberate; I’ve had this post sitting in edits for about two days now. But every time I was ready to update and publish, there was a new (and noteworthy!) development to the campaign. And so here we are, […]

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Hi! As you may have noticed if you’ve been on Instagram or Twitter, I’m back from medical leave! My operation was a success insofar as they were able to remove all my fibroids, and my quality of life has been exponentially better ever since. Of course, that doesn’t mean the healing process was easy. There’s a lot I wish I had known about the days immediately following my surgery, so […]

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