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This Is Not The End: Where to Find The Lingerie Addict in the Future

Cora Harrington, The Lingerie Addict, wearing Love and Swans Lingerie, photographed by Tigz Rice

Cora Harrington, The Lingerie Addict, wearing Love and Swans Lingerie, photographed by Tigz Rice

I am truly overcome at all the supportive comments, messages, and emails I've received since making the incredibly difficult decision to sunset The Lingerie Addict in its current form as primarily a lingerie blog.

There's always this sense of "talking into the void" when one is doing work online. You're never really quite sure if people are seeing what you're doing. Just knowing how so many of you saw The Lingerie Addict - how many of you noticed us, and appreciated the work we did here - means more to me than you will ever know. My heart is so full of love right now. How could it not be?

Cora Harrington, The Lingerie Addict, in The New York Times

I've gotten quite a few questions lately, and so I want to put all the answers in one place.

First, the blog isn't going anywhere. Instead, it will become an archive. No new comments, no new posts, but the content itself will still be online and accessible for as long as The Lingerie Addict is my own.

Second, you will still be able to find me on all The Lingerie Addict social platforms. That includes Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and my own newsletter. In addition the private Facebook group will stay active, as will the Patreon, especially as I convert the latter into something that is more representative of my journey forward.

Third, signed copies of my book - In Intimate Detail: How to Choose, Wear, and Love Lingerie - will still be available. As will as any merch, such as silk eye masks. I have no plans to take down the shop portion of my site, especially as so many of you have expressed thanks at being able to pick up a signed copy even though we live many miles apart.

I don't know what the future will hold. There are certain things I've done as a part of The Lingerie Addict, that I'd like to keep doing, such as the editorials. I know I'd like to explore video. I know I'd like to write another book. And I know that my ultimate dream - my forever dream - is to one day host a television show or documentary around fashion, especially lingerie. But I also that there's no rush, and that for the time being, it's okay to take a breath.

I've said this in so many other places, but I truly cannot say it enough. Thank you for making the last 14 years so special. Thank you for making The Lingerie Addict worth doing, every single day. And thank you for giving me dreams and opportunities I could never have imagined when I was a child in Georgia. The only reason The Lingerie Addict exists - has ever existed - is because of you.

Cora Harrington, The Lingerie Addict, photographed by Lydia Hudgens

Cora Harrington, The Lingerie Addict, photographed by Lydia Hudgens

I've cried a lot, especially in the last few days, but I also feel hopeful. Hopeful that what's to come will be just as good as what's gone. Hope that the future will be bigger and better and brighter than TLA could ever be. Hope that we'll see each other again in some other way.

Here's to the future.

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Cora Harrington

Founder and Editor in Chief of The Lingerie Addict. Author of In Intimate Detail: How to Choose, Wear, and Love Lingerie. I believe lingerie is fashion too, and that everyone who wants it deserves gorgeous lingerie.