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How to Buy Lingerie for Valentine's Day

This article has been graciously sponsored by Jane's Vanity.

Has there ever been a holiday where there's more pressure to buy lingerie than Valentine's Day? Amidst all the expressions of love (and its more corporeal trappings such as flowers and chocolates), there's also this idea that the ultimate gift - the perfect gift - is lingerie.

So let's say your paramour (or, for the platonic romantics among you, your best friend) would be delighted to receive the gift of lingerie. What happens next? Well...just follow these five Lingerie Addict-approved steps!

(Note: if you're unsure your gift of lingerie will be well-received, this post is definitely not for you. You should know in advance if lingerie is an acceptable gift before attempting the advice here.)

1) Be familiar with their style

Listen: if you don't know enough about your intended gift recipient to have a sense of their style, lingerie is not the gift for you. Does your beloved enjoy loose and breezy silhouettes? Or are they always perfectly tailored? Do they like bright, vivid colors? Or soft, classic neutrals? Are they all about lace and embroidery? Or do they prefer simple, unembellished fabrics?

Here is where corresponding with a luxury lingerie boutique like Jane's Vanity can be helpful. Another bit of advice: if your significant other has a public facing Instagram or social media account, why not share it with the boutique owners? This can go a long way towards helping them get a sense of your sweetheart's style.

2) Have an open mind

There's more to the world of lingerie than sexy bra and panty sets. Luxurious robes, pajamas, gowns, and caftans also "count" as lingerie. Remember: you're purchasing this as a gift for someone else...not as a gift for yourself. Buy them something they'll love and enjoy wearing all the time (and that makes them think about you everytime!), not just a piece that only comes out for special occasions.

3) Purchase from a boutique that offers gift-ready packaging

I don't know about you, but I am absolutely terrible at gift-wrapping, and I can't tie a photogenic bow to save my life. Fortunately, that's where a good luxury lingerie boutique can step in. Most luxury boutiques like Jane's Vanity offer gift boxes and refined packaging as standard. However, they're often also willing to take that extra step such as gift-wrapping or including a special card for you to sign. Luxury lingerie should be an's worth shopping with a boutique which helps make that happen.

4) Don't be cheap!

I'm assuming, of course, that if you're reading this, you want to buy your significant other the very best you can afford. That means planning your budget appropriately. This is not the time for bargain basement, clearance bin lingerie. Not being cheap doesn't always mean buying the most expensive thing, but it does mean being thoughtful and purchasing something that shows the level of care and attention your person deserves. Also, remember this is a gift; splurge on something your partner may not otherwise buy for themselves.

5) Consider Custom

Some luxury boutiques, like Jane's Vanity, have exclusive partnerships with couture or other high-end designers that allows them to commission a piece specifically made to your partner's size and dimensions...or even to have something special created just for them. Ask if there are any pieces with customization available in their collections. A good boutique will be able to direct you to a trusted designer that has exactly what you need.

A Few Last Words on Valentine's Day Lingerie

Buying lingerie as a gift for Valentine's Day doesn't have to be hard or impossible! In fact, when you partner with the right boutique, it can be easy...even effortless or fun. I hope the tips here help make your partner's Valentine's Day the one they deserve! Happy shopping!

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Cora Harrington

Founder and Editor in Chief of The Lingerie Addict. Author of In Intimate Detail: How to Choose, Wear, and Love Lingerie. I believe lingerie is fashion too, and that everyone who wants it deserves gorgeous lingerie.