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A Very Special Announcement...I Have a Book Deal!

Credit: Nomi Ellenson

I almost don't know how to start this announcement, so I guess I'll just jump right into it. I've recently signed a contract with Ten Speed Press and am currently working on a book all about lingerie, to be in a bookstore somewhere near you in 2018!

I've been waiting to make this announcement for a little while, not just because I was so excited about sharing the news (oh my gosh...a book!), but also because I just really, really, really wanted to thank all of you, my readers. A book deal isn't something that would have ever been possible without you and your support for the last nine years, and I am just so completely stoked - giddy even - about putting together a lingerie book that will make you proud and be useful and hopefully have a place in your life for years to come.

There isn't much more I can say right now, other than that I'm planning some truly fantastic things for TLA readers (and also that I'll be just a bit slow answering emails for the next few months). However, if you have the time, I'd love it if you shared one or two things you most want to see from this book in the comments. I want it to be a book for you. I want you to be able to pick it up off the shelf and know there's something in it that applies to you and your life and why you wear lingerie.

It's late where I live, so I should probably go to bed now. But I just want to say again, if you've ever read an article, left a comment, shared The Lingerie Addict with a friend, or just liked one of our posts on Facebook, thank you. I can't wait to tell you more with you in the next few weeks and months. Amazing things are coming.

With love and affection,




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Cora Harrington

Founder and Editor in Chief of The Lingerie Addict. Author of In Intimate Detail: How to Choose, Wear, and Love Lingerie. I believe lingerie is fashion too, and that everyone who wants it deserves gorgeous lingerie.