Why Should You Use a Lingerie Wash?

Disclosure: This article is sponsored by Eucalan

Lingerie wash is the sort of product most people don't understand the point of. "What's wrong with regular laundry detergent?" is a typical question. "Why is lingerie wash so expensive?" is often next. But lingerie is unique in the world of fashion, and in the same way a leather handbag or a pair of pearl earrings would require special treatment, so too does intimate apparel.

Because lingerie is worn directly next to the skin all day, it absorbs oils, perspiration, fragrances, and surface dirt (things like skin cells and the like). If left on your underwear too long, all these impurities can leave a lasting impression, not just in the form of stains or discoloration, but also in frayed, worn-out or overstretched fabrics. You see, oil - not just naturally produced skin oil, but also lotion, body oil, and fragrance - breaks down elastic fibers. Those elastic fibers are what gives lingerie its ability to "snap back," i.e. the reason why a bra or a pair of knickers isn't completely useless after a few hours of wear. Washing away those oils keeps the elastic fibers from degrading, and gives the garment a chance to "relax" or resume it's original shape.

But we all know that regular laundry detergent, or even hand soap, is enough to wash away oil, so what makes lingerie wash so special? Well, lingerie is incredibly delicate. Even the very cheapest undergarments are made from exceptionally soft fabrics because they have to lay against the most sensitive parts of the body. The tradeoff for this delicacy and softness, however, is that these fabrics don't hold up well to "regular" laundry habits. Traditional detergents are too harsh, and can damage these soft fibers. The vigorous motion of a washer can rip, twist, bend and damage fine details or fragile stitching. Meanwhile, the high temperature and tumbling action of a dryer can ruin elastic. Modern day machine washing saves a lot of time when it comes to everyday clothes, but for intimate apparel, handwashing is still the best solution. Everything else shortens the lifespan of the garment.

There are lots of lingerie washes out there, and I've tried them all, but the thing that really sets Eucalan apart is its all-natural formula. There are no dyes, no brighteners, no enzymes, no bleach, and no synthetic fragrances. Even the bottle is transparent - what you see is what you get. All their scents are made from pure essential oils. In fact, the name Eucalan is derived from Eucalyptus, their original scent, and Lanolin, a natural conditioner. And while I'm talking about it here on TLA as a lingerie wash, Eucalan is perfect for all delicate items - from cashmere, to baby clothes, to silk, to upholstery.

The best part about using Eucalan, however, is that it's a 1-step process. You just add a little bit of Eucalan to the wash basin, let it soak for 15 minutes, gently squeeze, and then hang your garment to dry. No rinsing required! This part is important, not just because it saves you time, but also because it means less agitation of your delicate lingerie. And less agitation equals less breakage and damage. Eucalan can do this because their formula is free of harsh additives and fillers; there's nothing in their cleanser to hurt or damage your skin.

Eucalan is currently available in 5 fragrance options: eucalyptus, lavender, grapefruit, jasmine and unscented. The company also offers stain-treating wipes (I personally travel with these, and they're a lifesaver). While the company doesn't sell directly to consumers, you can find a complete list of their stockists here, and they're sold all over the world.

If you're going to invest in beautiful lingerie, it only makes sense to invest in taking care of it too. Eucalan makes the process of cleaning your lingerie easy and safe. If you've been wondering about trying a lingerie wash, start with Eucalan.

Have you ever tried a lingerie wash? If so, what did you think? And what tips do you have for handwashing your lingerie?
