Lingerie of the Week: Betti Bones Fox Satin Panties

I have a rather... excessively large number of drafts saved in the backend of TLA right now. Most of them are about big picture ideas or concepts that take a while to parse (because I am apparently the slowest writer in the world and it takes me a while to figure out what I actually want to say), but in between toying with phrases and doing extra research, I'm still running across these really cool and interesting pieces I feel compelled to share here. And one of those items is a pair of fox panties I ran across yesterday and immediately fell in love with.

Something about foxes feels very fall-like to me. I don't know why exactly (maybe someone can enlighten me? is this normal?), but right around this time of year, I became newly interested in anything with a fox print. These Fox Satin Panties, from Etsy designer Betti Bones, are charming, kitschy, and delightful. They're just plain fun... a reminder that it's okay to play (even if you're an adult!) and be a little whimsical.

At $28.50, the price on these knickers is about what I'd expect for small-batch, handmade items on Etsy. Sizes available are XS-XL with custom sizing available upon request. The designer is based in Bulgaria, so between the time to make and the time to ship, you'd want to allow around 23 days or so after ordering to receive your item. There are several other adorable prints available as well, including a painted watermelon knicker (so perfect for the upcoming warmer weather if you live in the Southern Hemisphere!) and a kiss knicker (the least expensive of the three at $25/pair). That said, I'm still rather partial to the foxes. Honestly, it's the foxtails on the bum that seal the deal for me. Because seriously, how cute are those?

Do you buy any of your lingerie on Etsy? And, if so, do you have some tips or advice for ordering knickers? And if someone's happened to have already purchased from Betti Bones, I'd love to hear what you think of their products!