Lingerie Wishlist: Wolford "Lace Affair" Backseam Tights

So I was trolling the net for stockings as I am wont to do when I came across these:

They're the Wolford Lace Affair tights. 100% nylon, tulle background, with a fishnet pattern layered on a top of that, and lace patterns layered on top of that.

Gorgeous, yeah? Now guess how much they are. Go on; I'll wait. Here's one more picture while you think it over. Scroll to the end once you've got a number.

They cost £65.00. That's roughly $130.00 USD. All I can say is that there are some very lucky ladies (and perhaps gentlemen?) out there. They make silk stockings look positively cheap in comparison.

If you're interested, they're available here.